Your Journey Starts Here

Hello and welcome, your campaign to become an Amazing 12 Coach/Business starts here. Once you fill in your details and click the ‘Apply Now’ button you will be taken to a page where you will see two things:

1: A video presentation

2: An online assessment

You must watch the video before beginning your online application, this will allow you to make your biggest and best impact both in the online application, and the online interview to follow. We don’t certify just anyone, all of our coaches and facilities are a handpicked product of our thorough selection process. Even if you don’t become A12 certified, the video contains plenty of useful information, industry tips and home truths, which will benefit you on your own journey.

Once you have watched the video, go ahead and take the online application, it doesn’t take much time, and once you’ve scheduled your interview call, we will review your application and let you know if you’ve been successful in progressing to the online interview stage or not.

Good Luck!


“I was massive, when I look at my old clothes I can’t believe I was that size, very often I felt really really depressed and it affected my relationships with other people. The A12 has made me feel really really happy about myself and what I’m doing for my body. You can smile more and inspire other people because they see the sparkle in you, it’s totally changed my life.”


“I have a young daughter and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger so I thought I better get myself in better shape so I’m healthy and can be around her with the required energy. When I saw my photographs I nearly fell and said that’s not me” I never believed I could have done that. I never would have entertained that I could squat 100kg 30 times in a row, and I was deadlifting two and a quarter times my bodyweight. After this (The A12) I found I had more confidence in myself, I was a better individual and had better relationships with the people around me, including better working relationships.”


“I’m in better shape at 41 than I was at 21 and I was in pretty good shape at 21. The Amazing 12 makes you focus on the things that make the biggest difference. I’ve done all the crazy home programs, I’ve done Insanity and T25 and there is no comparison with the A12, it’s like ameteur night versus people who know exactly what they are doing, that is, the scientific understanding and discipline required to get the best results.