Are YOU What We’re Looking For?
The Amazing 12 is a complete body transformation business in a box, it is NOT just a certification, the certification is only one aspect of a 360 degree business package. Through our programs and holistic solutions we give coaches and fitness business owners the opportunity to deliver elite level results to their clients, regardless of their ability to program at an elite level. We provide everything needed to become a successful body transformation business, from client acquisition to sharing your world class results, all whilst enhancing pre-existing offerings.
Over the last 15 years we’ve had the honour of touching the lives of nearly 10,000 people by creating jaw dropping physical transformations, in over 180 locations around the world, with men and women of all ages, shapes, sizes and genetics. We provide our coaches and licensed facilities with the ability to offer their clients certainty of outcome, which in turn provides certainty of income for their business. Which is why many of our coaches are easily earning 6 figure annual incomes from this program alone.
Having the money to pay for our certification does not guarantee you a seat at the table, you’ve got to have what it is we’re looking for. It’s for this reason that we have such a thorough application process.
Our goal is to enable strength coaches and fitness professionals to:
Set your service apart and get incredible results with every single client, every time.
Grow your income to be among the top 1% of coaches in the fitness industry.
Become a vehicle for people’s happiness and make a difference in the lives of those you serve.
Your A12 Business In A Box
No more wasted Sundays trying to do programming for the week. Once you become A12 certified your ability to understand and apply math and program design is no longer a determining factor in the results of your clients, as programming genius Paul McIlroy’s mind will be in your pocket 24/7. You’ll gain instant access to artificial intelligence that makes it impossible to put a foot wrong. Our PERFECT PROGRAM™ technology customizes every single workout, for every single client. Based on the results of each workout, our system optimises the next workout, ensuring that every move you make is dynamically guided by Paul himself for optimal results.
The A12 Business Blueprint covers all the areas needed to make you a 360 degree successful body transformation business. It’s about more than just getting the results, you also have to capture and optimally present your results, sharing success stories in the process. This has a direct impact on your ability to attract more clients, and generate lasting financial success, we show you how to do it.
As standard you’ll also receive turn-key transformation marketing templates, logos & branding tools, as well as comprehensive A12 sales scripts and tools. We’ve also partnered with significant hand picked fitness business companies, ensuring our coaches and facilities can benefit from holistic support in software solutions, fitness business systems, website design and more.
The A12 Classic / A12 Express – The A12 delivers an unprecedented body transformation in a surprisingly short period of time, every time, no matter your age, starting point, or genetics. All Amazing 12 programs safely and comfortably perpetuate gains in strength, muscle gain, fat loss, and cardiovascular conditioning simultaneously, and at levels never before thought possible from regular people.
A12 ForLife – At only 50 minutes per session, 3 times per week, and a diet which is designed specifically with the long game in mind, the A12 ForLife is custom made to be used by the same client, year round, without the need to change programs…ever! The A12 ForLife provides a definitive path towards a sustainable new lifestyle which comfortably interweaves healthy eating habits, continually increasing physical performance, and improved mental well being, into your already busy life.
Our certification is a 3-week online course with groundbreaking computer technology and includes 24/7 access to hundreds of one-to-one style technique lectures and demonstrations. The course consists of 200+ world class instructional videos, 1000+ instructional images, and in depth written educational content, so no matter what your learning style is, we’ve got you covered. You complete it online, at your own pace.
Explosive Results
Amazing 12 is the world’s #1 body transformation program. Global certification with more than 180+ coaches certified around the world in the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia. Gym licensing and support.
See The Amazing 12 Transformations
Amazing 12 body transformation programs produce incredible results with every single client, every time, creating dramatic physical change in just 12 weeks.

Financial Freedom
For the past 15+ years the Amazing 12 has been providing almost effortless financial freedom for fitness professionals and business owners around the world.

Who is it for?
Amazing 12 has been designed to benefit fitness professionals no matter where they are in their career journey. You can even use the A12 business progression pathway to evolve from ‘Just Starting Out’ all the way to ‘Facility Owner’ as many of our coaches have already done. Our programs have in-built flexibility, and can be used either part time or full time.
Individual Coach


Multi Location

How to get started

Take our online multiple choice based assessment and find out if you’re a suitable candidate. If successful, the next step is your online interview, during which we will assess your suitability in a variety of areas before deciding whether we offer you the opportunity.
You watch the videos, complete the lessons, do the homework, and get yourself ready for the exam. To ensure our standard of excellence is maintained across the globe all coaches must pass the A12 exam in order to become certified.
Take your clients through the system, and become amazed at how you effortlessly transform their physiques and functional capacities beyond anything you’d previously thought possible, becoming the industry leader for unbeatable results in your locality. The only way to guarantee certainty of income for any business, is to guarantee certainty of outcome for the clients you serve.
2 ways to Transform
There are two ways you can get transformed–a personal transformation of your physique and athletic performance through the A12 programs, or a professional transformation by becoming an A12 Coach / Business through our body transformation business opportunity.
Find out about Amazing 12 body transformation programs and all options available for you to transform your physique and athletic performance.
Become an A12 Coach / Business and learn how to use this system to grow your income and join the top 1% of the fitness industry.
Meet Amazing 12 Coaches
We don’t celebrate effort. We celebrate results.

‘Can’t Quantify Just How Much A12 Has Helped’
Nancy Townsend (and a dozen more coaches)
Uplift Strength & Spirit
Washington, D.C. USA

12 Strength Coaches on Revolutionary Change
Dave Whitley (and many more)
Iron Tamer Strongman
Nashville, TN USA