How To Become The Superhuman You

We deliver unprecedented results in both aesthetics and performance, every time, no matter your age, condition, or genetics.

Our programs safely and comfortably perpetuate gains in strength, hypertrophy, fat loss, and cardiovascular conditioning simultaneously, and at levels never before thought possible naturally.

Thanks to our unique artificial intelligence based programming system, which makes the same decisions as A12 Creator Paul McIlroy in any client situation, you’ll deliver world class results overnight.

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How To Become The Superhuman You

We deliver unprecedented body transformations in a surprisingly short period of time, every time, no matter your age, condition, or genetics.

Our programs safely and comfortably perpetuate gains in strength, hypertrophy, fat loss, and cardiovascular conditioning simultaneously, and at levels never before thought possible naturally.

Thanks to our unique artificial intelligence based programming system, which makes the same decisions as A12 Creator Paul McIlroy in any client situation, you’ll deliver world class results overnight.

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Switch On Your Inner Superhero

Every one of us has a superhero underneath our skin—right in our DNA—who is ready to perform superhuman feats of strength. Our training programs convince your CNS that it’s safe to release your inner superhero.

The Old Way - Train to Failure

  • No pain, no gain mentality – Leads to overtraining, injuries, and starting over.
  • Training to failure – Tells your inner superhero that you’re a threat to yourself.
  • Lifting to your max too often – This only finds limits, it doesn’t raise them. 
  • Success is directly proportional to effort – It’s not!
  • You lack the will to succeed – You can’t ‘will’ what’s wrong to be right.
  • You’re not taking the right supplements – Success doesn’t come in a tub.
  • Push your limits until you break through them – You end up breaking yourself.

Our Way - Expand Your Comfort Zone

  • Any pain = no gain – There is a direct correlation between time spent training in comfort and long term productivity.
  • Train Submaximally – Expand your comfort zone and your max will take care of itself.
  • Success is directly proportional to numeric progress – not the discomfort of a single workout.
  • Unlock your superhero strength – It’s already there, you’re not building anything new.
  • No need to EVER peak – Expand your comfort zone until it swallows your previous limits.

Switch On Your Inner Superhero

Every one of us has a superhero underneath our skin—right in our DNA—who is ready to perform superhuman feats of strength. Our training programs convince your CNS that it’s safe to release your inner superhero.

The Old Way - Train to Failure

  • No pain, no gain mentality – Leads to overtraining, injuries, and starting over.
  • Training to failure – Tells your inner superhero that you’re a threat to yourself.
  • Lifting to your max too often – This only finds limits, it doesn’t raise them. 
  • Success is directly proportional to effort – It’s not!
  • You lack the will to succeed – You can’t ‘will’ what’s wrong to be right.
  • You’re not taking the right supplements – Success doesn’t come in a tub.
  • Push your limits until you break through them – You end up breaking yourself.

Our Way - Expand Your Comfort Zone

  • Any pain = no gain – There is a direct correlation between time spent training in comfort and long term productivity.
  • Train Submaximally – Expand your comfort zone and your max will take care of itself.
  • Success is directly proportional to numeric progress – not the discomfort of a single workout.
  • Unlock your superhero strength – It’s already there, you’re not building anything new.
  • No need to EVER peak – Expand your comfort zone until it swallows your previous limits.

The 3 Areas of Optimisation

To create amazing body transformations and become a long-term, successful fitness coach, you’ll need to learn and master three core disciplines:


  • Critical for safety and strength.
  • Strength and safety should be synonymous.
  • Optimal exercise technique should increase both strength and safety simultaneously. 
  • Refining exercise technique to maximise strength acquisition requires mastery of numerous overlooked subtleties. 
  • The A12 training process has dedicated +200 educational videos to maximising your ability to understand, implement and teach optimal technique. 


  • Diet vs. Exercise. 
  • The accepted view = “It’s 90% diet”.
  • Find out why the reality = “It’s 90% training”.
  • At least when we are talking about a body TRANSFORMATION.
  • Don’t believe us?… You WILL once you learn why. 
  • BUT…it doesn’t have to be a battle! 


  • 3×10, 6×6, 5×5, 8×8, 10×10, anything x anything, does not constitute effective strength / size programming. 
  • Accepted view = No pain no gain.
  • The Reality = Any pain no gain. 
  • The best way to make profound progress in the shortest possible time frame is to NEVER leave your comfort zone, but instead to expand it until it envelopes your limits. 


The 5 Core Components Of The Superhero System

Unlike traditional fitness programs that do not deliver transformative physique and performance change (and then blame you or your genetics when they don’t), the Amazing 12 system uses a groundbreaking artificial intelligence version of program creator Paul McIlroy’s own A12 specific decision making process, which focuses on 5 core components that produce dramatic physical transformations every time:

  1. Stay in the ‘no threat’ zone
  2. Speak the superhero language
  3. Release your inner superpowers
  4. Mathematically hack the superhero system
  5. Expand your comfort zone until it envelops your limits

1: Stay in the ‘no threat’ zone

You come into your day with a certain amount of energy. Every little thing you do takes a little bit of the energy—your job, your family, and daily hassles.

If your training is going to the max every time, and you’re a genetically typical person, it won’t be long before your central nervous system deems what you’re doing to be physiologically damaging and shuts you down. That’s what a plateau looks like.

With the A12 system, you do not “go to the max” and get shut down by your own central nervous system (CNS). Instead, you use a level of effort that is comfortable for your body to stay in the ‘no threat’ zone.

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1: Stay in the ‘no threat’ zone

You come into your day with a certain amount of energy. Every little thing you do takes a little bit of the energy—your job, your family, and daily hassles.

If your training is going to the max every time, and you’re a genetically typical person, it won’t be long before your central nervous system deems what you’re doing to be physiologically damaging and shuts you down. That’s what a plateau looks like.

With the A12 system, you do not “go to the max” and get shut down by your own central nervous system (CNS). Instead, you use a level of effort that is comfortable for your body to stay in the ‘no threat’ zone.

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2: Speak the superhero language

Traditional methods of training are based on falsehoods. These methods generate predictable, powerful counter-reactions from your central nervous system.

Soon, you no longer want to go to the gym, and it’s not because you are lazy or undisciplined—it’s because you are fighting against how your body is best designed to allow progress.

The problem is, you don’t yet know how to speak to your CNS (the governor of your superpowers) in the language it understands. The A12 system gives you the tools to communicate with your CNS, in the ONLY language it does understand. This is the language of pain and comfort, threat and safety, effort and risk. We make sure the CNS always feels safe about your actions by remaining in your comfort zone, thus perpetuating the fastest and safest possible progress to take place. 

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3. Release your inner superpowers

We have a saying: “The strength to lift every weight you’ve NEVER lifted is already there.” You just need to find a way to release it. You’re not building something new; you convince your CNS to allow you to use more of what’s already inside you.

Our CNS is the reason why we’ve all heard tales of spontaneous feats of superhuman strength. What is happening during these feats is your central nervous system is allowing the use of more motor units than it would under normal circumstances.

Normally, your CNS prohibits this because if it ever allowed you access to 100% strength, your muscles would actually break your bones. We’re all incredibly strong and the central nervous system has a trip switch that controls this access.

The A12 system never triggers this threat response in the first place, allowing fast and profound gains. 

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3. Release your inner superpowers

We have a saying: “The strength to lift every weight you’ve NEVER lifted is already there.” You just need to find a way to release it. You’re not building something new; you convince your CNS to allow you to use more of what’s already inside you.

Our CNS is the reason why we’ve all heard tales of spontaneous feats of superhuman strength. What is happening during these feats is your central nervous system is allowing the use of more motor units than it would under normal circumstances.

Normally, your CNS prohibits this because if it ever allowed you access to 100% strength, your muscles would actually break your bones. We’re all incredibly strong and the central nervous system has a trip switch that controls this access.

The A12 system never triggers this threat response in the first place, allowing fast and profound gains. 

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4: Mathematically hack the superhero system

With the A12 training system, you’ll begin training in a place of extreme comfort. Then we skilfully expand what is comfortable without ever going to a peak. 

For example, you can safely increase what represents any given percentage of your maximum strength, without ever triggering a threat response from your CNS. What happens is, the A12 artificial intelligence manipulates the maths behind the program’s progression so that the weight which represents 60% (for example) just increases over and over again without a proportionate increase in the perception of the increasing load. By the time you are using loads that used to represent 70% of your ability (for example), your central nervous system still thinks it’s 60%.

By using mathematical manipulation, your CNS consistently allows your comfort zone to expand, effortlessly pushing the peaks of strength and performance higher and higher. 

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5: Expand your comfort zone until it envelops your limits

Possibly the biggest misconception in physical training is that in order to make any significant progress in any given time period (let alone just 12 weeks) we must first ‘leave our comfort zone’.  The irony is, once you fully understand how the body BEST makes progress, you quickly realise that the polar opposite is actually true. There exists a direct correlation between time spent training in relative comfort and the ultimate long term productivity of the program. The magnitude of the gains you make are directly proportional to how well you can manipulate the maths to perpetuate numeric progress, NOT how difficult the training is. 

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5: Expand your comfort zone until it envelops your limits

Possibly the biggest misconception in physical training is that in order to make any significant progress in any given time period (let alone just 12 weeks) we must first ‘leave our comfort zone’.  The irony is, once you fully understand how the body BEST makes progress, you quickly realise that the polar opposite is actually true. There exists a direct correlation between time spent training in relative comfort and the ultimate long term productivity of the program. The magnitude of the gains you make are directly proportional to how well you can manipulate the maths to perpetuate numeric progress, NOT how difficult the training is. 

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