The Amazing 12 Body Transformation Business gives you everything you need to succeed.

Amazing 12 Coaching Certification
- Learn A12 exercise technique
- Learn A12 nutrition programming
- Get optimal A12 exercise programming
- Receive Business Blueprint, sales scripts, marketing tools, branding and more
- Take your first group of clients through the system
- Build success stories and capture testimonials
- Earn a professional income
Coaching Certification
Course Format:
Course Length:
3 weeks
The Goal:
6-figure income
What is it?
The Amazing 12 Coaching Certification is a 3-week online course with groundbreaking computer technology and includes 24/7 access to hundreds of one-to-one style technique lectures, demonstrations, worksheets, and tools.
Who is it for?
Fitness professionals, no matter where they are in their career journey, who want to get incredible results with every single client, and grow their income to join the top 1% of the fitness industry. Use the A12 business progression pathway to evolve from ‘Just Starting Out’ all the way to ‘Facility Owner’ as many coaches have already done.
Where does it happen?
The A12 Certification course is online and consists of 200+ world class instructional videos, 1000+ instructional images, and in depth written educational content. You complete it online, at your own pace.
How does it work?
You watch the videos, complete the lessons, and take the exam. You follow the steps and lead your first group of clients through the system, build success, and learn how to capture testimonials.
When does it start?
The Amazing 12 Coaching Certification starts as soon as you’re accepted. You complete it at your own pace. Once accepted you have up to 12 weeks to complete the certification, our coaches average time to completion is 4 weeks.
Why does it exist?
Because about 99% of fitness coaches work long hours and they and their clients end up with weak results to show for it. The A12 coaching certification is for the 1% who want to serve their clients at the highest possible levels by delivering massive transformational change.

Amazing 12 coaching certification course content
Week One: Technique Training 10 Modules
Lesson | Number of Video Lessons | Outcomes |
Bench Press Technique | 10 | Learn how to perform the world’s most famous exercise in the strongest and safest way that you NEVER have before! |
Vertical Pulls | 13 | A total paradigm shift in what constitutes optimal strength/safety in vertical pulling. |
Incline Dumbbell Press | 7 | Learn how to handle this classic bodybuilding exercise like a pro and optimise its execution for size and strength |
Horizontal Rows | 5 | Optimised technical expertise, safety, and strength of this under-utilised gem |
Dips | 8 | Know how to maximise the strength, safety and muscle building potential of perhaps thee most potent overall upper-body size builders in existence! |
Military Press | 10 | Gain optimised technical expertise, safety, and strength on possibly the most 'functional' of all upper body barbell presses |
Rotating Press | 3 | Learn one of the safest and best shoulder exercises that you've NEVER done. |
Titan's Tight Rope | 4 | Learn how there's no such thing as isolation exercises with this whole body single joint monster! |
Super Laterals | 5 | Become technically proficient in THEE best lateral raise variation in existence. |
Barbell Curl | 6 | Learn how there should be THREE curls happening on every rep of this classic exercise for maximal strength & development |
Superman Extensions | 7 | Learn how to build a killer six-pack with one of the best TRICEPS exercises around! |
Muscle Confusion | 1 | Learn the best ways to make sense of Muscle Confusion |
Barbell Back Squat | 11 | Gain optimised technical expertise, safety, and strength. Plus, learn how and why 'Inter-set rest' has made the back squat the undisputed 'King of Bodybuilding Exercises'! |
Deadlift | 13 | Develop total mastery of the 'King of Strength Exercises'! |
Muscular Cardio | 11 | Learn how to fully understand and implement the ONLY kind of 'cardio' training that also builds muscle! |
Cardio Conditioning | 0 | Come away with a total understanding of the roles that both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning play in an optimised body transformation process. |
Where is all the ab work | 0 | Learn why there are ZERO traditional abdominal exercises in the A12 program! |
Week Two: Troubleshooting 13 Modules
Lesson | Number of Video Lessons | Outcomes |
Troubleshooting the Barbell Bench Press | 15 | Benefit from never before seen innovative technique correction / remedial drills that will save you 100’s of hours of coaching time and help you deliver the world class standard of A12 results no matter what the physical starting point of any client. |
Troubleshooting Vertical Pulls | 7 | Benefit from never before seen innovative technique correction / remedial drills that will save you 100’s of hours of coaching time and help you deliver the world class standard of A12 results no matter what the physical starting point of any client. |
Troubleshooting The Incline Dumbbell Press | 5 | Benefit from never before seen innovative technique correction / remedial drills that will save you 100’s of hours of coaching time and help you deliver the world class standard of A12 results no matter what the physical starting point of any client. |
Troubleshooting Ring Rows | 3 | Benefit from never before seen innovative technique correction / remedial drills that will save you 100’s of hours of coaching time and help you deliver the world class standard of A12 results no matter what the physical starting point of any client. |
Troubleshooting Dips | 4 | Benefit from never-before-seen innovative technique correction / remedial drills that will save you 100’s of hours of coaching time and help you deliver the world class standard of A12 results no matter what the physical starting point of any client. |
Troubleshooting The Military Press | 7 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting The Rotating Press | 3 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting Titan's Tight Rope | 3 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting Super Laterals | 3 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting The Barbell Curl | 6 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting Superman Extensions | 3 | Learn how to avoid adding strength to dysfunction by finding function through strength. |
Troubleshooting The Barbell Back Squat | 16 | Avoid catastrophic injury and loss of income by saving clients from themselves within seconds using INSTANT payback fixes for commonly hard to fix issues. |
Troubleshooting The Deadlift | 5 | Avoid catastrophic injury and loss of income by saving clients from themselves within seconds using INSTANT payback fixes for common, hard-to-fix issues. |
Week Three: Putting it all together 13 Modules
Lesson | Number of Video Lessons | Outcomes |
Spotting | 6 | You'll learn how to spot like a pro and why most people are doing it wrong. You'll also learn when it's appropriate to spot an exercise and when it's not! |
Establishing A12 Pre-Program Capacities | 9 | Learn how to optimally test all types of physical capacities in all humans in a safe and effective manner. |
Nutrition | 0 | Learn the structure and principles behind one of the most surprisingly easy and sustainable nutrition plans in the world...The A12! |
Why are photos so important? | 0 | Learn how to produce dramatic marketing materials that attract new clients by recreating our proven ‘before’ & ‘after’ photo template design. |
Client Before Photos | 0 | Find out the key role ‘before’ photos play in properly documenting client results. |
Choosing the Right Photographer | 0 | Learn how to add the right kind of media professionals to your A12 team. |
The Pre Photoshoot Pump-up | 3 | Master the tricky art of creating an optimally pumped physique in the most time-efficient way possible to best showcase the results achieved |
The Graduation Day Photoshoot | 3 | Learn how to run the show so you capture the truest representation of your clients’ results. |
The Essential Poses | 8 | Learn the optimal poses that best capture your clients’ incredible results. |
Optimizing Comparison Templates | 0 | Become truly professional at documenting client results. |
Comparison Template Mistakes | 1 | Learn how to avoid all the fatal flaws that can make great results look mediocre. |
Write-Ups & Testing New Maxes | 0 | Learn how to best convey the results of your clients over the various forms of social media. Also become fully versed in how to safely and optimally test your graduates new capacities. |
Culture Club | 0 | Learn how our best coaches instill a culture of fulfillment at their facilities leading to incredible client retention. |
Then take the A12 Certification Exam! |
We’ve got your learning style covered
Learn anytime, anywhere and whatever way you like with multiple training formats.
All Amazing 12 programs come with online, video, image, and written components.

Web-based e-learning center
Watch 200+ world class instructional videos, view 1000+ instructional images, and read in depth written educational content. Learn how you learn best and login to access the platform anytime from anywhere.
Downloadable training materials
Download course materials to create richer learning experiences (both online and offline) to accelerate your success.

No more wasted Sundays trying to do programming for the week. Your ability to program no longer determines your clients results. Our PERFECT PROGRAM™ technology customizes every single workout, for every single client, every time. Based on the results of each workout, our system optimises the next workout, for 60 total workouts, ensuring that every move you make with your clients is dynamically guided by us for optimal results.
Business Blueprint
The A12 Business Blueprint covers all the areas needed to make you a 360 degree successful body transformation business. As standard you’ll also receive turn-key transformation marketing templates, logos & branding tools, as well as comprehensive A12 sales scripts and tools. This has a direct impact on your ability to attract more clients, and generate lasting financial success, we show you how to do it.

Winning community
Join an exclusive community of A12 certified fitness coaches dedicated to becoming the best they can be. Find breakthroughs, get new ideas, make friends, and have fun!
Q & A Calls
All programs include coaching from experts who will help diagnose problems and direct you forward. Plus, Q&A video calls, recordings, and student interviews.

Here’s a summary of everything you get
The Amazing 12 Body Transformation Business gives you everything you need to succeed.

Amazing 12 Coaching Certification
- Learn A12 exercise technique
- Learn A12 nutrition programming
- Get optimal A12 exercise programming
- Receive Business Blueprint, sales scripts, marketing tools, branding and more
- Take your first group of clients through the system
- Build success stories and capture testimonials
- Earn a professional income